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Tech Giants Urge Passage of STEM Green Card Bill

July 17, 2012

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, may be getting ready to support legislation to grant green cards to holders of advanced degrees in the so-called STEM fields.

Smith, the gatekeeper on immigration bills in the House, is being urged to take action by a broad coalition of groups, including some of the largest technology companies — Apple, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Microsoft, as well as the IEEE-USA.

Smith is signaling his willingness to bring a bill forward, and has been working on the issue for a while. The release of a letter late last week from tech companies may have served as a catalyst for movement on green card legislation.

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New American Economy is a bipartisan research and advocacy organization fighting for smart federal, state, and local immigration policies that help grow our economy and create jobs for all Americans. More…