New American Economy and the American Immigration Council have merged
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Rich Beyer

The semiconductor industry is constantly reinventing itself with technology innovations that create new markets and evolve the features and performance of existing products. Our products touch virtually every aspect of the economy from communication and transportation to medical and consumer electronics.

American-based companies like Freescale have been leaders in the industry, but global competition is fierce for the best talent. The only way we can maintain our lead is to recruit the best and the brightest engineers from around the world.

Our technology zones in Austin and Silicon Valley continue to be magnets for the best minds in the industry; however, our immigration laws raise unnecessary barriers that often push this critical resource to our global competition.

At Freescale, we strive to be on the cutting edge of a dynamic industry that is building the technologies of the future. We cannot afford to handicap our success with an immigration system that does not support that vision.

I joined the Partnership for a New American Economy to help create immigration reform that makes America more attractive in the global marketplace and encourages the world’s best engineers and entrepreneurs to realize their potential with the American dream.

About NAE

New American Economy is a bipartisan research and advocacy organization fighting for smart federal, state, and local immigration policies that help grow our economy and create jobs for all Americans. More…