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What the Presidential Candidates Are Saying About Immigration Reform

Immigration has been a central topic in the lead up to the presidential election, and it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in determining who will ultimately move into the White House in 2016. Tonight, Democratic primary candidates will go head-to-head for the first Democratic presidential debate (#DemDebate) in Nevada.

To see what the candidates have said about immigration so far, and what they say tonight, check out this interactive database from our partner, The Presidential Candidate Tracker, which documents everything each presidential candidate has said about immigration, is updated in real-time and allows journalists, researchers, and citizens to stay informed about how each presidential hopeful is discussing issues related to immigration.

Users can filter by candidate, topic, party, and news source, and can subscribe to specific candidates to receive updates whenever they say something new on immigration.

Learn more about the tool and how to use it at, and follow along with New American Economy as we live-tweet the debate tonight.

About NAE

New American Economy is a bipartisan research and advocacy organization fighting for smart federal, state, and local immigration policies that help grow our economy and create jobs for all Americans. More…